Contoh Pembukaan dan penutupan Pidato dalam bahasa inggris

Para Sahabat-Sahabai kali ini admin akan membagikan ilmu yang insyaallah bermanfaat dan mudah muddahan admin bisas sehat selalu ya, dalam dunia melinium ini dan serba elektronik maka tantangan menghadapi zaman global pun sudah dimulai oleh karena itu saya terinspirasi dari pengalaman saya waktu kursus di jawa timur tepatnya di BEC ( Besic English Course ) banyak orang yang susah membuat opening dan colosing dari bahan pidato sederhana hingga paling high level
ini hanya untuk memudahkan saja bagi siapaun yang ingin belajar pidato menggunakan bahas inggris.

Inilah Opening and Closing Speech in English
Opening speech (1)
Dear Brothers, Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen
      First of all, let’s thank to God ( Allah SWT ), the Almighty who has been giving us His mercies and blessings utill we can attend in this meeting without any troubles and obstacles in this good place and time.
      Secondly, May Sholawat and Salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad Pease be Upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world as well as in the next world.

      Thirdly, I will never forget to thank Mr. Agus Buhori, S.Ag, M.Pd  who has given me the opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all. Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title of :”…………………………………”

Opening speech (2)
The honourable Mr. Headmaster of SMP N 1 Metro and all of Teachers SMP N 1 Metro, and all of my beloved friends.
First of all let us pray praise the presence of Almighty God for His blessings we can gather on this day in this event…………………..
On this happy day allow me as…….. To deliver a word or two words to……..

Opening speech (3)
Good morning everyone
       First of all, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidances and blessings to us, therefore we can gather here to celebrate ……………, without hindrance of any.
      The second,Our Sholawat and greeting are always delivered on our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, which has brought us from darkness to brighter…
He is the true one of messenger, the best leader, the father of revolution in Islam and he has brought the true religion until we as believe in him, let’s give our sholawat to him.
      The third, I do not forget to say thanks very much to he master of ceremony because of him I can attend in front of you all……

Opening Speech (4)
Dear Principals SMK Ulul Albab, all of the teachers SMK Ulul Albab and all of my beloved friends from first grade to third grade.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Good Morning Everybody !!!
First of all I would like to ask all of you to give thanks to the presence of Greatest ALLAH SWT, who has given us the blessings and guidances, so we can gather here in this beautiful place without any trouble and obstacle. And I also I ask you to deliver your prayer and greetings to our prophet  Muhammad SAW, who has brought us which has brought us from dark-age to the age-lit, so we are always on the right path until the end of the world.
I say thanks a lot of to the masters ceremony he has given me time to speak in front, this is my occasion to share my beautiful feeling and insyaallah this is will be useful for us.
Happy brother and sisters, ladies and gentlemen I am dede kurniawan I am standing infront of you all, I would like to share my brilliant brain
Do you know guys…….? * kalian langsung membawakan materi setelah pembukaan tadi

Opening Speech (4)
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The honourable Mr. Agus Buhori, S.Ag, M.Pd  As the founding father of This Islamic Boarding School may allah gives him health and pleasure and also easiness to guide us here.
All of committees  who have made this beautiful program and I do not forget also of audiences who has come in this event for accepting the invitation,.
In this happy day let us Praise the presence of Allah, who has given His grace and guidance to us. Because of His grace we can gather on this day in the event….

Ladies and gentlemen
That all my speech, if you have found may mistakes when I was speaking  in front of you it means from me but when you have found true it means from our God
So please forgive because I just human being , I am not far from mistakes
Thanks for nice attention the last I say……Good Bye

Closing Speech (1)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
That is all speech that I can deliver. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us. I am so sorry if I had a mistake. Thank you for your nice attention.
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb!

Closing Speech (2)     
Perhaps enough so that I can say as ….., no more or less as well as mistakes that I said either intentionally or not, I really apologize. Thanks for attention and Good bye.  

Closing Speech (3)    
Ladies and the audience who blessed by God
Presumably enough up here a little speech that I can say. For all the mistakes and said words are less willing hearts in your heart, both of which I intentionally or not, I apologize profusely.
Akhirun kalam,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
mungkin itu adalah beberapa contoh yang saya pelajari dulu mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kaian semua dan jangan lupa share ya.